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pH Correction Filter Cartridges

pH correction filters are used for the treatment of water from wells or boreholes that is acidic. Acidic water with a pH below 7 will increase corrosion in pipework and also leaves a metallic taste from the cupro solvency, where the water is able to dissolve lead, copper and other metals found in typical plumbing systems. The pH correction filters contain a naturally occurring calcium carbonate media that reacts & dissolves slowly, reducing the corrosive properties of acidic water and eliminating staining of sanitary ware. The filters will slow down the likelihood of leaks and increase the service life of your water distribution system.

Material of Contruction

  • Filter cartridge: Polypropylene
  • Filter media: Calcium carbonate
  • Gasket: Silicone, EPDM, NBR
  • Netting: Polyethylene


  • Neutralizes acidic water
  • Removes metallic taste from water
  • Removes manganese, flourides, iron and other impurities from water
  • Prevents pipework corrosion & staining of sanitary ware


  • Small to large domestic water filtration systems
  • Borehole and wellpoint water treatment

Product Code & Description

RMN10"10" Slimline remineralising & pH adjustment filter cartridge
RMN20"20" Slimline remineralising & pH adjustment filter cartridge
RMNBB10"10" BB remineralising & pH adjustment filter cartridge
RMNBB20"20" BB remineralising & pH adjustment filter cartridge

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Water Components South Africa