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Genesys Filtration Chemicals

Genesys manufacture a range of speciality RO membrane chemicals. These include antiscalants, flocculants, biocides and cleaning chemicals.
These chemicals allow reverse osmosis (RO) plants to operate efficiently in areas where feed waters are challenging. This might include high levels of silica, phosphate or sulphate. Genesys has also developed products that take into account the different size and configuration of membrane plants. Utilising their own software projection; Genesys can accurately prescribe the best antiscalant for your RO plant at the most efficient dose rate.

Genesys speciality area is the unique RO membrane cleaning products that they market for use in CIP cleaning of RO membranes; both alkaline and acid cleaners in powder or liquid form, which restores membranes to original performance specifications. Their unique range of 704 alkaline cleaners incorporating bubble technology in the cleaning process is a technological breakthrough in membrane cleaning.

Product Code & Description

GENESYS LFBroad Spectrum Antiscalant and Antifoulant
GENESYS RCAntiscalant for Recycle Systems
GENESYS SWSea Water Antiscalant
GENESYS SISilica Antiscalant/Antifoulant
GENESYS BSBarium Sulphate Antiscalant
GENESYS CASCalcium Sulphate Antiscalent
GENESOL 38Acidic Membrane Cleaner
GENESOL 40Alkaline Cleaner
GENESOL 703Membrane Cleaner (Alkaline Powder)
GENESOL 704Membrane Cleaner (Alkaline Powder) Microbubble Technology
GENESOL 701Membrane Cleaner (Acidic Based Powder) Microbubble
AQM877Flocculant general
AQM884High tannin flocculant

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Water Components South Africa