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Bag Filters & Housings

Bag filters are used for a number of liquid filter applications including bulk chemicals, food industry applications such as vegetable oil, coolants, cleaning fluids, paints, varnishes, waxes, and plastisols. Bag filters may be as simple as a filter medium bag attached to the end of a pipe. It will probably be more secure if it is attached by means of an adapter. For higher-pressure and larger volume applications, the bag is inserted into a housing and supported by a mesh basket.
Our range of bag filters & housings cater for a wide spectrum of applications and include various materials of construction.

Product Code & Description

BFL-1-304SS100 PSI SNG length 304SS
BFH-1-304SS150 PSI SNG length 304SS
BFL-2-304SS100 PSI DBL length 304SS
BFH-2-304SS150 PSI DBL length 304SS
HXP-BF-1-1A Single PVC bag filter housing
HXP-BF-1-2100 PSI DBL length PVC
SPANNERSpanner for HXP-BF-1-2
LIDLid for HXP-BF-1-2
NUTNut for HXP-BF-1-2
OHXP-1Silicon o-ring for PVC bag filter housing (thick)
OHXP-2Silicon o-ring for PVC bag filter housing (thin)
OHXP-3Silicon o-ring for PVC bag filter housing (flat)
BFH-LIDBFH top lid SS304
BFL/BFH BOLTSLifting bolts for BFL/BFH
PP-1-P01EPP 1 micron # 1 filter bag with plastic ring
PP-5-P01EPP 5 micron # 1 filter bag with plastic ring
PP-10-P01EPP 10 micron # 1 filter bag with plastic ring
PP-20-P01EPP 20 micron # 1 filter bag with plastic ring
PP-100-P01EPP 100 micron # 1 filter bag with plastic ring
PP-1-P02EPP 1 micron # 2 filter bag with plastic ring
PP-1-P02SPP 1 micron # 2 filter bag with steel ring
PP-5-P02EPP 5 micron # 2 filter bag with plastic ring
PP-5-P02SPP 5 micron # 2 filter bag with steel ring
PP-10-P02EPP 10 micron # 2 filter bag with plastic ring
PP-10-P02SPP 10 micron # 2 filter bag with steel ring
PP-20-P02EPP 20 micron # 2 filter bag with plastic ring
PP-20-P02SPP 20 micron # 2 filter bag with steel ring
PP-50-P02EPP 50 micron # 2 filter bag with plastic ring
PP-50-P02SPP 50 micron # 2 filter bag with steel ring
PP-100-P02EPP 100 micron # 2 filter bag with plastic ring
PP-100-P02SPP 100 micron # 2 filter bag with steel ring
PP SCR20-PO20RSCR-100 20 micron # 2 oil filter bag with plastic ring

Contact us for pricing & to place your order

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Water Components South Africa